Modern Apps Live!, Workshops

F04 Workshop: Modern Development Deep Dive


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Jason Bock

MVP (C#)

Practice Lead


Allen Conway

Lead Consultant


Brent Edwards

Brent Edwards

Principal Lead Consultant


Kevin Ford

Mobile Practice Lead


The Modern Apps Live! conference content is primarily focused on the tradeoffs and choices involved in designing and building a modern app. This workshop dives deep into the technology behind those choices and the way they're used to implement the MyVote demo app used in the conference. This is a no-holds barred deep dive into the design and implementation of modern apps, from the app server to the mobile services to each client app technology. You'll learn about modern Web development using a JavaScript application and get a deeper look into their supporting client and server technologies including AngularJS, TypeScript, SignalR, Azure Web sites and Azure Mobile Services. You'll learn about Windows Universal Platform app development and Xamarin.Forms for iOS and Android development.