W12 Chalk Talk: Improving Web Performance


1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Robert Boedigheimer

Principal Systems Developer

Schwans Shared Services, LLC

This session will start with a traditional ASP.NET web site and show step by step how to improve it for both client experience and scalability.  Review the basics of caching and learn how to avoid costly server round trips by using expirations to maximize use of the client's browser and also reduce server side execution time with data caching on the server.  Use HTTP compression, minification of JavaScript and CSS, and image optimization to reduce client downloads by 50-75%.  Take advantage of free CDN networks to host jQuery and Ajax files.  See how tools such as Fiddler and Google Page speed can be used to help diagnose and verify improvements.  Use jQuery to lazy load images only as they are about to be displayed.  Learn the techniques that can have the largest impact on web performance with the least amount of work.

You will learn:

  • Learn the 3 golden rules of web performance
  • Reduce page times by 50% or more using minification and file bundling techniques
  • Use tools to evaluate web performance and potential areas of improvement