Data Management

W09 WCF Data services – Getting Started Guide


10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Level: Introductory

Sergey Barskiy

Sergey Barskiy


Tyler Technologies

This session will concentrate on how to get started with WCF data services, Microsoft technology that implements OData standard.  Topics such as authentication types and authorization via interceptors will be covered.  Query building will be discussed via proxies and via URLs.  Creation of service operations will be covered.  Entity Framework Code First and Database First approaches will be talked about.  A WinRT / Win 8 XAML application will be built to demonstrate the use of OData client to consume the data.

You will learn:

  • Create a basic WCF data service with data and operations
  • Understand authentication and authorization
  • Implement CRUD operations from WinRT Client