T22 25 Tips and Tricks for the ASP.NET Developer


4:15 pm - 5:30 pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Adam Tuliper

Principal Software Engineer, DX


This session will cover at least 25 tips and tricks for the ASP.NET Developer. There are many ways to be a successful ASP.NET Developer and it no doubt involves knowing many separate tips and tricks about development, technology, and tools. 

If you have any interest in topics such as:

  • Do you know how to deploy apps retail mode?
  • How about easily configuring SSL on your dev box?
  • How do multiple ajax requests and the session object affect your application?
  • How can I debug when I get the dreaded "?" icon on my breakpoints?
  • How can I effectively cache in MVC and how can this help me replace the lack of Viewstate?
  • How can I debug an error that is happening in production?

Then this session is definitely for you! Help fill your head with useful tidbits to help you cruise in your next web project!

You will learn:

  • About various tools at your disposal to make development easier
  • Understand how to properly configure and debug production applications to help prevent issues
  • Understand how you can build better, more robust applications by including advanced