T17 What's New in ASP.NET 4.5


2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Adam Tuliper

Principal Software Engineer, DX


Finally, the long awaited release of ASP.NET 4.5 is here. This session explores the great new features that have been added to in place update known as ASP.NET 4.5. Features explored will include the new request validation options, membership additions and changes including OpenId, OAuth, and Simple Membership, the Web API, MVC4 changes, and Web Forms additions. There will be some discussion of the Entity Framework features involved, since they directly relate to some of the new ASP.NET features as well. Web Forms developers suffering from MVC envy now have reason to celebrate with some great new Web Forms strongly typed control additions as well. We'll explore some new Visual Studio 2012 tooling features that really solidify Visual Studio as the best tool for ASP.NET development.

You will learn:

  • Understand all of the changes and additions to Web Forms, how it affects current applications, and how to best utilize the features in new applications
  • Understand the changes and additions to MVC including understanding what the Web API is