Cross-Platform Mobile Development

W06 Getting Started with Xamarin


10:45am - 12:00pm

Level: Introductory

Walt Ritscher

Walt Ritscher

Staff Author at LinkedIn

This introductory session shows how easy it is to start working with Xamarin projects.

Xamarin is quickly becoming the go-to platform for C# developers who want to build cross platform native apps that run on iOS, Android, Mac and Windows devices. You work with familiar .NET libraries when they suit the application needs. But you also get access to the native API's for each platform when necessary. This introductory session shows how easy it is to start working with Xamarin projects.

You will learn:
  • How to make shared codebase for apps running on iOS, Mac, Windows and Android platforms
  • The differences between Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio How to start making Xamarin based applications