HTML5 / JavaScript

W07 Working with Client-Side HTML5 Storage Technologies


10:45AM - 12:00PM

Level: Intermediate

Gil Fink

Senior Architect


In this session we will deep dive into the new storage options that HTML5 brings and how to use them. The session will discuss Web Storage, IndexedDB and AppCache APIs.

HTML is the markup language that every web developer uses in order to structure and present content in the Internet. HTML5 is the standard that is being shaped and developed currently. It extends and improves the last HTML4 standard and takes it to the next level with support for multimedia, communication, semantics and more. In this session we will deep dive into the new storage options that HTML5 brings and how to use them. The session will discuss Web Storage, IndexedDB and AppCache APIs.

You will learn:

  • The difference between Web Storage and IndexedDB APIs
  • Be able to integrate different client-side storage types in a web application/site
  • Be able add offline web applications support using the AppCache API