Windows Client (Windows 8.1/WinRT, WPF)

TH13 Windows, NUI, and You


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Brian Randell

Brian Randell


MCW Technologies

In this session, Brian will show you how to build great modern experiences including touch, voice, and motion using C# and .NET. You’ll dig into design patterns around Natural User Interfaces (NUI) and learn how to build rich experiences that support devices beyond keyboard and mouse. You’ll go through the entire process from wire framing, development, to testing of an app that supports touch as well as voice and motion. We’ll be looking at various types of hardware including Kinect.

You will learn:

  • About NUI options in Windows
  • How to use C# with Kinect
  • About different NUI hardware Options