SharePoint, Office 365 and the Cloud

OSW03 Taking User Profiles to New Heights!


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

Stacy Deere

Solutions Architect

Focal Point Solutions LLC

How many of you know what User Profiles can do? When I typically ask that question I get responses such as: It connects to Active Directory so that properties can be synced into SharePoint so we can use that info (but not sure how); or the most popular, we can add pictures to our profile and other information that others can see. Both of those answers are true but only scratch the surface of what User Profiles can do in SharePoint, and most importantly, for your organization. I could talk for hours about all the great things that User Profiles can do, but, in addition to talking about it I’m going to show you all the things that a User Profile can do and how the functionality can improve meeting preparation, company bonding, and getting to know more about the organization you work for. I won’t stop there either as we will also venture down the path of application integration and how it can streamline processes and limit human error in day to day processes. With the user of User Profiles, you can be on your way to building that one stop shop for company information.

You will learn:

  • How to Deep Dive into a Profile
  • About Custom User Properties
  • About Active Directory Integration