Cloud Containers and Microservices

VSW15 The Mystical World of I/O Bindings in Azure Functions


4:00pm - 5:15pm

Level: Introductory

Ashley Grant

Community Lead for the Aurelia JavaScript Framework

Maybe you've heard about "serverless" and how Azure Functions makes serverless architecture really easy, but have you looked at the plethora of options you have for inputs to and outputs from your Azure Functions? The list is long and continues to grow. In this session, we'll explore many of the I/O binding options the Azure Functions platform provides. We'll also look at how you can put some of the lesser-known bindings to use to simplify building real-world serverless applications. You're not stuck building simple REST APIs with Azure Functions, and this session will help you get the knowledge you need to be successful building serverless applications with Azure Functions!

You will learn:

  • To understand that there are I/O options in Azure Functions
  • How to work with the Azure Functions platform
  • To think about the Azure Platform more holistically