Deep Learning

AIW02 Deep Learning in Microsoft Azure: CNTK, CaffeOnSpark and Tensorflow


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Jen Stirrup


Data Relish Ltd

What is Microsoft’s approach to Deep Learning, and how does it differ from Open Source alternatives? In this session, we will look at Deep Learning, and how it can be implemented in Microsoft and Azure technologies with the Cognitive Toolkit, Tensorflow in Azure and CaffeOnSpark on AzureHDInsight. Join this session in order to understand deep learning better, and how we can use it to provide business and technical benefits in our organizations.

You will learn:

  • About Deep Learning in Microsoft Azure with CNTK
  • About Deep Learning in Microsoft Azure using Open Source technologies with CaffeOnSpark
  • About Deep Learning in Microsoft Azure using Open Source technologies with Tensorflow