SPW05 Understanding OAuth in SharePoint 2013


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Advanced

Kirk Evans

Kirk Evans

Architect for the Windows Azure Modern Apps Center of Excellence

Microsoft Corporation

The new SharePoint 2013 app model is the recommended approach for building solutions with SharePoint. The app model introduces OAuth for application identity and permissions. Understanding OAuth is essential for SharePoint 2013 developers because it forms the basis of how apps are granted permission to communicate with SharePoint. This session will focus on how OAuth works, how SharePoint 2013 uses OAuth to grant permissions to apps, and how to inspect information in the OAuth token for troubleshooting.

This session will focus on how OAuth works, how SharePoint 2013 uses OAuth to grant permissions to apps that may be different than the current user's permissions, and how to troubleshoot authentication and authorization for the new SharePoint 2013 app model. After this session, attendees will understand how to create apps that are able to perform tasks that the current user may not have permission!