Event Sponsors


  • Event Partner
    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. Microsoft offers a wide range of innovative products and services designed to help individuals and organizations realize their full potential.

  • Premier Media Partner
    The Baltimore SQL Server Users Group is focused on all things SQL Server. We hold free monthly meetings focusing on SQL Server DBA, Development and Business Intelligence topics.

  • Premier Media Partner
    The .NET Developers Association is an Eastside community oriented group aimed at furthering the education of .NET developers.

  • Premier Media Partner
    Watch technical User Group presentations online for FREE

  • Alliance Media Partner
    The Windows Developer User Group has been established to nurture knowledge base and collaboration among Windows application developers & enthusiasts. While we are primarily based in Columbus OH, developers from all around Ohio, neighboring states and just about anybody who has interest in the Microsoft ecosystem, is most welcome.

  • Media Partner
    C# Corner is an online social community for IT professionals and developers to exchange their knowledge and experience using various methods such as contributing articles, forums, blogs, and videos. C# Corner reaches 3+ million monthly users worldwide.

  • Media Partner
    CrowdReviews.com is a transparent online platform for determining which products and services are the best based on the opinion of the crowd. The crowd consists of Internet users which have experienced products and services first-hand and have an interest in letting other potential buyers their thoughts on their experience. CrowdReviews.com is driven by an algorithm allowing for both customers and providers of products and services to understand how the rankings are determined. The service can be used by potential buyers to learn more about their vendors prior to making a purchasing decision.

  • Media Partner
    We will meet regularly to explore the use of .NET for building mobile to web applications or just for fun of coding. Our goal is to create a great social group in the London and surrounding area where everyone can share and learn from each other. We will be learning and coding with a focus on web and multi-platform mobile development, including MonoTouch, Mono for Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and ASP.NET.

  • Media Partner
    In today’s high paced world of technology, more and more women are joining the ranks of technology professionals. Whatever your role as a female in the technology industry, having the support of other women is a power advantage. The Women in SharePoint group will focus on promoting a professional society of women who will provide support for others in the community who face similar challenges in their career path.