Windows 8 / WinRT

T10 Working with Data in Windows Store Apps


11:15am - 12:30pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Robert Green

Robert Green

Technical Evangelist, Developer Experience and Evangelism (DX)


This session focuses on these design decisions and takes a look at several data storage options, including local and remote files, IndexedDB, SQLite, WCF and OData, Azure and Azure Mobile Services.

Where the data resides in a Windows Store app turns out to be a more challenging question that might first appear. If you use local data, you have great offline support, but what happens when the user launches the app on another device? If you use remote or cloud data, the same data appears everywhere, but you lose your offline story. If you use a combination of the two, how do you manage that and how do you synch the data? This session focuses on these design decisions and takes a look at several data storage options, including local and remote files, IndexedDB, SQLite, WCF and OData, Azure and Azure Mobile Services.

You will learn:
  • Understand your options for working with data in Windows Store apps
  • How you can use both local and remote data in Windows Store apps
  • Techniques for working with various data sources in Windows Store apps