Visual Studio / .NET, For Developers, For Database Administrators

VSTH16 EF Code First Magic Unicorn Edition and Beyond


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Keith Burnell

Senior Software Engineer

Skyline Technologies

Entity Framework 4.1 was dubbed "The Magic Unicorn Edition" by Scott Hanselman because of its ability to allow development of a full database backed application without ever opening SQL Server Management Studio.  Magic, right?  But how is this even possible?
In this talk Keith will dive into Entity Framework Code First and how it allows you to use Model/Domain Driven development with nothing but POCOs to keep you in Visual Studio and out of SSMS.  Keith will also address EF vNext and discuss some of its long awaited features.

You will learn:
• What is code first and model/domain driven development.
• The importance of keeping your domain separate from your database.
• How to get the most of EF Code First.