Silverlight / WPF

W13 Build common Business Code for Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight, WP7 and WinRT


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Rockford Lhotka



Windows 8 introduces the new Windows Runtime (WinRT), a platform similar to .NET and Silverlight, and yet different. Most developers need to build .NET and Silverlight applications today with the possibility of someday supporting WinRT. By abstracting key platform differences around data binding, reflection, and data access it is possible to create common business code that can support Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and WinRT. These abstractions are implemented in the widely used CSLA .NET framework, and in this session you’ll learn about those abstractions so you can build business logic that can be used today, and in the future with WinRT.

You will learn:

  • Learn the key areas of abstraction necessary to support .NET, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and WinRT
  • Learn how to use CSLA .NET to build business code you can use across platforms, today and into the future