W17 ASP.NET MVC - AJAX in Your Views


2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Walt Ritscher

Walt Ritscher

Staff Author at LinkedIn

The advent of AJAX dramatically changed the web programming world.  ASP.NET  MVC embraces AJAX and provides a robust implementation of this important programming tool.  In this session you'll learn how to use the jQuery $ajax function to implement an async call back from your view.  You discover how to add JSON and HTML data to your views with the AjaxHelperr and find out how to build interactive forms with BeginAjaxForm.

You will learn:

  • See how the AjaxHelper extensions simplify adding the client-side script
  • Discover the role jQuery  and jquery.unobtrusive-ajax libraries play in MVC AJAX
  • How to asynchronously call web services and MVC action methods